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¿Qué es una preposición?
Prepositions of Direction
To refer to a direction, use the prepositions:
1. above
2. across
3. along
4. among
5. around
6. at
7. behind
8. below
9. beside
10. close to
11. through
12. toward
13. up
14. onto
Prepositions of Time
To refer to one point in time, use the prepositions:
1. "in" = Use "in" with parts of the day (not specific times), months, years, and seasons.
2. "at" = Use "at" with the time of day. Also use "at" with noon, night, and midnight.
3. "on" = Use "on" with days.
To refer to extended time, use the prepositions:
4. "since"
5. "for"
6. "by"
7. "during"
8. "from…to"
9. "from…until"
10. "with"
11. "within"
Prepositions of Place
To refer to a place, use the prepositions:
1. "in" (the point itself)
2. "at" (the general vicinity)
3. "on" (the surface)
4. "inside" (something contained).
To refer to an object higher than a point, use the prepositions:
5. "over"
6. "above."
To refer to an object lower than a point, use the prepositions:
7. "below"
8. "beneath"
9. "under"
10. "underneath"
To refer to an object close to a point, use the prepositions:
11. "by"
12. "near"
13. "next to"
14. "between"
15. "among"
16. "opposite"
Prepositions of Time VS Place
Prepositions of Location
To refer to a location, use the prepositions:
1. "in" (an area or volume)
2. "at" (a point)
3. "on" (a surface)
Prepositions of Spatial Relationships
To refer to a spatial relationship, use the prepositions:
1. "above"
2. "across"
3. "against"
4. "ahead of"
5. "along"
6. "among"
7. "around"
8. "behind"
9. "below"
10. "beneath"
11. "beside"
12. "between"
13. "from"
14. "in front of"
15. "inside"
16. "near"
17. "off"
18. "out of"
19. "through"
20. "toward"
21. "under"
22. "within"
Una preposición es una palabra o grupo de palabras que se usan antes de un sustantivo, pronombre o frase nominal para mostrar la dirección, el tiempo, el lugar, la ubicación, las relaciones espaciales o para introducir un objeto.
What is the importance of prepositions?
Many English learners have trouble with prepositions. Using the incorrect preposition can completely change the context of a sentence and cause the speaker problems. So the correct use of prepositions is vitally important in English. Also, a properly used preposition is vital to express exactly what you want to communicate to the other person.
Muchos estudiantes de inglés tienen problemas con las preposiciones. Usar la preposición incorrecta puede cambiar completamente el contexto de una oración y causar problemas al hablante. Por eso, el uso correcto de las preposiciones es de vital importancia en inglés. Además, una preposición utilizada correctamente es fundamental para expresar exactamente lo que se desea comunicar a la otra persona.
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